Perhaps you have been staring at your Tarantula for a few days because you have noticed that he’s hardly moved at all. It’s really cold outside, and you might have been fooled into thinking he is hibernating, or worse, he might have even taken up […]
How Do Spiders Die Naturally? Science, Facts, Tips
What actually happens to a spider as it approaches old age and nears the end of its life? If you’re wondering how do spiders die naturally, read on. As a spider is dying, it goes through several processes, which then leads to the familiar pose […]
Do Rats and Squirrels Get Along? Science, Facts, Tips
So, you’re a rodent lover who, by chance, plays parent to both a pet rat and a pet squirrel. Or perhaps you simply enjoy pondering the more obscure questions in life and find yourself wondering; if a squirrel and rat were locked in a room […]
11 Reasons Why Yorkies Bark So Much (+ What To Do)
Yorkies may bark for a variety of reasons — here’s how to handle the different situations.
Do Horses Lay Eggs? (Solved!)
You may have wondered… where do baby horses come from? In more than 20 years of being surrounded by horses and riders, I have occasionally been surprised to hear this question from beginners in the field. Well, here’s the answer… Horses are born live like most […]
When Do Horses Lose Their Baby Teeth? (Solved!)
Like many mammals, horses have baby teeth that fall out as their adult teeth grow. But when exactly does this happen? Horses start to lose their baby teeth around two and a half years old. It is expected that they will have their complete set […]