Horses have somewhat strange sleeping habits. It’s often hard to know if they’re resting, sleeping, or kind of moving between the two states. And a common question owners have is, do horses sleep at night? I’ve been riding and caring for horses my whole life, […]
Do Horses Lay Eggs? (Solved!)
You may have wondered… where do baby horses come from? In more than 20 years of being surrounded by horses and riders, I have occasionally been surprised to hear this question from beginners in the field. Well, here’s the answer… Horses are born live like most […]
When Do Horses Lose Their Baby Teeth? (Solved!)
Like many mammals, horses have baby teeth that fall out as their adult teeth grow. But when exactly does this happen? Horses start to lose their baby teeth around two and a half years old. It is expected that they will have their complete set […]
Can Horses Eat Cheese? The Complete Guide
I used to have a friend at the barn who would always feed her horse Sherman the crusts of her grilled cheese. He seemed to love it, and he lived many MANY happy years in retirement despite countless grilled cheese crusts. So, can horses eat cheese? […]
9 Things to Know About Horses Sleeping On Their Sides
Horses are one of the few creatures on earth with very unique sleeping habits. Horses can rest or nod off in a standing position by locking their legs into place. During deeper sleep periods horses tend to lay down especially during REM sleep which requires […]
7 Tips To Stop Horses Shivering In the Rain
Just like we shiver when we are cold, you may see your horse shivering on a cold day or when they are wet from the rain. Shivering is a sign that your horse is uncomfortable and cold! If it’s possible, you shoulder intervene and think […]